英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 14:11:32
  • 网络解释

1. 还不如,不妨:marvel at 惊奇(异) | may as well 还不如,不妨 | may as well 还是...的好


2. 还是...的好:may as well 还不如,不妨 | may as well 还是...的好 | may as well 最好,不妨

3. 最好,不妨:no matter 无论(...),不管(...) . | may as well 最好,不妨 . | by all means 尽一切办法;一定 .

4. may as well什么意思

4. 还不如:The factory has begun to make use of the waste matter.这个工厂开始将废料加以利用. | may as well还不如 | mess about浪费时间

"Well," said she, "when one goes another may as well follow."(“好吧。”她说,“一个人走了,另一个人大概也跟着走。”)
I think I may as well go in at once.(我想我还是马上进去吧。)
I may as well put a bin bag over my head for all the impact my face has.(或许我也可以在头上套一个箱袋,不让别人看到我的脸。)
As we are here we may as well stay and look on.(既然我们在这里,我们不妨留下来看看。)
You may as well work on projects that will allow you to make progress.(不妨尝试些可以让自己取得进步的工作项目。)
It's only a trouble, and perhaps we may as well let things take their course.(这只是个小麻烦,也许我们还是顺其自然的好。)
You can't help being biased so you may as well be up front about it.(你阻止不了别人对你的偏见,因此你还不如就大大方方地接受。)
It's too cold to go out. We may as well stay at home.(天太冷了,我们还是呆在家里吧。)
You may as well know the truth.(你知道真实情形也无妨。)
With water levels rising, we may as well start thinking about oceanic living.(随着水位线越来越高,或许我们也应该开始考虑在海洋中居住。)
may as well是什么意思 may as well在线翻译 may as well什么意思 may as well的意思 may as well的翻译 may as well的解释 may as well的发音 may as well的同义词